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Kotiyagala Temple

Kotiyagala is in the Mayilla village in Wellawaya District Secretariat Division of the Moneragala District of the Uva Province.

The place could be reached by trversing 12½ miles along the right turnoff to Wattegama at the174th mile post  on the Wellawaya – Potuvil road.

Six miles into the thick jungle to the right from the Kotiyagala Colony, a cave temple with a reclining Buddha image and paintings is found. The reclining Buddha had been constructed in brick and clay mortar and plastered with lime.

Parts of the reclining Buddha statue had been destroyed by treasure hunters. The cave roof is decorated with attractive paintings and over the head of the Buddha image on a red backfall, the floral motifs and the figures of tuskers are painted. The paintings of this temple comprise those of various floral motifs, figures similar to the damsels of Sigiriya, various forms of humans and animals.

( copyrighted by archaeology.gov.lk)