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Wedihiti Kanda 

Wedihiti Kanda (Wedahiti Kanda) is a rocky mountain which is 3.5 km away from the renowned Kataragama Devalaya. Wedihiti Kanda is one of the most famous destinations for pilgrims to Kataragama, with the exception of Kataragama Devalaya and Sella Kataragama.

There is not much details of Wedihiti Kanda but folklore reveals that this mountain has a strong connection to the Kataragama Deity. Stories of yore reveal that King Dutugemuwa pledged to the Deity Kataragama that he would construct a grandeur devale, if an when he defeated King Elara whose domain of rule was Anuradhapura. When the war was concluded the King Dutugemunu arrived in Kataragama and met with Deity Kataragama and it is said that this meeting took place on the top of Wedihiti Kanda.

The King then asked as to where the shrine should be constructed. Thereafter using a bow and arrow he stated that the shrine should be constructed at the point where the arrow falls. Having shot the arrow, it fell on the surface where the present Kataragama Devalaya is today. This Devalaya was constructed by King Dutugemunu.

Some legends regard the Kataragama Deviyo (deity) as the strong regional warrior King Mahasena who governed the region when the Buddha made his third visit to Sri Lanka in the 8th year of his enlightenment (580 BC). After meeting the Buddha, this warrior king took to Buddhism which doctrine continued even after his death.

It is also thought that after giving the throne to this eldest son, King Mahasena withdrew to the Wedahiti Kanda mountain top when he reached old age. At the top of this mountain, he lived a life of a hermit in meditation until his death.

At the present date their lies relics of an ancient shrine at the top of Wedihiti Kanda. However, at present new shrines have been constructed and the historical setting of the Weditihi Kanda has been lost. However, the unique spiritual experience one feels when climbing this scared mountain, is not lost. The peace and tranquility of this beautiful surroundings gives devotees and inner peace that is hard to match elsewhere.