If you look exactly from Colombo,Ratna Falls will be 211 km away. If it goes through Kandy city. On the famous Kandy-Mahiyangana road, Gurulupotha passes to Hasalaka town ella. It is only then that we travel about a kilometer away . And also we can get to the foot of Ratna Ella.
Ratna ella is about 345 feet tall and is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Sri Lanka. Its exquisite, wide-brimming and colorful, water-borne water comes in from side to side and brings foreign and exotic tourists to Hasalaka. It is provided by the HasalakaOya through the Uva Province and the fringes of the area. It is situated in the northern boundary of the Victoria-Randenigala forest. reserve that Ratna Fonda is situated in a land consisting of low country and Kandyan mixed climatic and geographical features.
Tourists make it easy for you to find this waterfall. There is also a shortage of facilities since Ratnla Ella is an old tourist destination. The waterfall at the foot of the waterfall gives you the opportunity to make it easy for guests to enjoy and enjoy the clean, fresh water carefully. It was a very nice sight to see the flow of water from a large rock. Ratna Ella falls foot relatively large and less dangerous compare to other waterfalls.
According to some reports, Sri Lanka is one of the widest in the country. Nevertheless, Rathna Ella is providing much water for paddy fields in the area. Here you can see how water managed in a way that does not waste both water and waste water through the bundles. Therefore, Ratnallah is a very special place.