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Find Businesses In Ranchamadama
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A remote village, Ranchamandama is situated in Kolonne, in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka.  The discovery of the Ranchamadama Burial Site came about with the Ranchamandama Vidyala dug its land as the initial stages for a new building. When they did so, they came up with artifacts, which prompted the site to be investigated further. This site is home in a valley which is edged with foothills of the Rakvana mountain range. However, further findings reveal that human settlements have been on the upper hills.  Discoveries of black and red pieces of clay pot were found at the top hill parts of this area.

Archeologists discovered during the excavations, six clay canoes and two burial pits. The clay canoes were of oblong shape that was constructed with thin slabs of burnt clay.  The clay canoes had with them clay burial urns. There were many urns and further investigation of carbon dating revealed that this particular burial site could have been constructed in 1359 BC. This burial site lies 23 meters above the surrounding plain.

Excavations carried out near the Bhikku residence that belongs to the temple, has come up with the remaining foundation of a house, which is believed to have been that of a high ranking member of the then society.

Ranchamadama village is in Ratnapura and one has to travel towards Embilipitiya, passing the Udawalawe Junction where a road leads to this historic village. A “must see” in Ranchamadama is the “Uda Ranchamadama Prehistoric House Site.” The foundation of this house revealed how perfectly it must have been built in that era, sporting a living room, 2 rooms and a kitchen.  Further excavation of the house has revealed clay earthen ware, beads of varying hues, sections of clay figurines pieces of clay pots painted beautifully, stone microlithic blades which are finely constructed and indicates that they have been widely used,, grinding stones still sporting their pestles and iron tools which have seen better times.

Sri Lanka is home for many beautiful ruins of yester-year which carries a lot of significance as to its ancestors.