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Hummanaya (Blow Hole)

The Hummanaya or Blow Hole rests in the Deep South of Sri Lanka and is said to be the second biggest blow hole in the world. This blow hole is in Kudawella, which is a small fishing village in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka.   This is one attraction is Sri Lanka that every local and tourist should experience.

So how are you going to get there? Passing the town of Matara and following Dickwella, you have to turn right at Kudawella and go about 1.1 km. Residents in the area will take care of your vehicle for a nominal fee. When one is reaching the blow hole its sounds can be heard distinctly, which resemble far away sounds of thunder such as “ho-ho-ho.”  This sound comes up when the pressure builds and once the water shoots up the beautiful sound of a hiss and a poll-vault affect that send the water rising up to at least 120 feet.

The Blow Hole is no doubt a unique creation of mother-nature as it is not man-made but a beautiful gift of nature.

The Blow Hole was badly affected in 2004 when the Tsunami hit Sri Lanka destroying many places of interest, but as it’s a natural phenomenon the Blow Hole bounced back to life and is its normal self today.

One could stand very close to the Blow Hole, which is a unique feature as the one in Australia is not accessible as the one in Sri Lanka. Of course the spray which creates a whooshing sound can drench viewers to the skin, but the experience is overwhelming. The whoosh of the water is so quick to rise and quick in its descent. Hence if one is filming the area, be ready to click the button quickly so as not to lose the beautiful of this great gift of nature.