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Aberdeen Falls (Aberdeen Ella)

Although the name is not widely used in the native language, the name “Aberdeen Falls” is one of the waterfalls situated in the central highlands of Sri Lanka.

During the British Ruling Period , they gave the name “Aberdeen Ella” to this Beautiful Waterfall.Perhaps they named it referring the name of the well-known Aberdeen City in the northern part of Scotland.

On the Colombo-Hatton road, about one and a half kilometers away from the main road to Ganigathhena, and about 500 meters from there, Aberdeen ella has come to this beautiful natural site. At one glance, not only the Aberdeen waterfall, which attracts tourists. but also the impressive green surroundings of the mountains, will not leave you in your heart.

 The catchment of the waterfall is 98 meters (332ft), KehelgamuOya. Aberdeen Falls, 18th place among the waterfalls of Sri Lanka. It is also the first waterfall to get to the hill country by the Hatton Road.

Well Known Wimalasurendra Hydropower and Norton Reservoir is located near by the Aberdeen Waterfall. KehelgamuOya supplies water to them. There is also very few radios at Lakshapana and Laxapana water falls. So you can visit these places during the journey to Aberdeen Ella.

Because of its temperate nature and mild-cold, as well as the filamentous characteristic of Aberdeen, your body-like minds will extinguish before going to the base of your body. Two natural water reservoirs at the base of the Aberdeen Falls are located, one small and the other large. While the Ella base is at the base of the pool, tourists can bathe, but the care is very important. Most of the tourists arrive in Ginigathhena due to the Aberdeen Falls. The hotel, named after Aberdeen, is also a luxury hotel overview.

Try Visiting the place one time at least.it’ll be an unforgettable experience.


Accommodation in Ginigathena

| Hotels | Star Hotels | Villas | Homestay |

Other Attraction Places in Sri Lanka

| Beaches| Adventure | Ancient | Wildlife |


Aberdeen Ella Sri Lanka
Aberdeen waterfall sri lanka
Aberdeen Falls