Buduruwagala situated in the Wellawaya District Secretariat Division of the Monaragala District. It could be reache by traversing 4 km. Along the road opposte the Buduruwagala School which is about 4km from Wellawaya on the Wellawaya –Tissamaharama road.
Seven statues was sculpture on relief of the rock during the 9th -10th c A.D. These was see in a single rock face. Of the seven Mahayana statues, three smaller statues each was sculpture on either side of the main Buddha statue.
The centrally sculpture main Buddha image is the tallest in Sri Lanka and is 51feet in height. The Buddha is in the Samabhanga posture and has the right hand gesturing the Abhaya Mudra. On the right of the Standing Buddha image are the sculptures of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisatva, Goddess Tara, Prince Sudhana. Such as on the left are the sculptures of Maitree Bodhisatva, Vajrapani Bodhisatva and an unidentifiable deity. These sculptures could identify as a collection of the Buddha and Bodhisatva figures with Mahayana influence.
( copyrighted by archaeology.gov.lk)